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We always feel proud, thrilled and a little relieved when we pump out another issue of BUST, and this latest is one of our very best! The June/July issue features the fabulous Florence Welch on the cover, while the insides are chock full of music related stories, fashion, crafts and things to do. We've got an interview with the uber talented Miranda July, and expose on the Witch House music scene, tips on what to wear to that summer music festival you're hitting, and a look at some of the ladies who helped shape rock music today. Plus all the usual goodness like music, movie and book reviews as well as recipes and even a girlie road trip guide! So please do yourself a favor and pick up a copy of BUST, or even better, subscribe, and help keep indie publishing alive. xo- the G.L.O.B. (gorgeous ladies of BUST)
Florence Welch ist eine jener Frauen, denen Exzentrik wie auf den Leib geschnitten zu sein scheint: Rote Mähne, exzessive Bühnenshows, extravaganter Stil - immer wieder beeindruckt die Pop-Diva auf besondere, aber authentische und sympathische Art und Weise. Mit ihren Songs, in denen sie von ihrem Leben, ihren Freunden und Lieben erzählt, schreibt die 24-Jährige fleißig Popgeschichte - 2009 wurde ihr Debütalbum "Lungs" in Großbritannien mit Platin ausgezeichnet. Und sogar Sir Elton John findet, dass Florence Welch eine jener Frauen sei, die auf der Bühne "wirklich Ausstrahlung haben und mit ihrem Publikum kommunizieren" - eben eine Frau, die über "das gewisse Etwas" verfügt, so sein Urteil.
Für VOGUE trafen sich die beiden Musiker in den Londoner Abbey Road Studios, wo die 24-Jährige gerade das zweite Album von "Florence + the Machine" - wie sie ihre Bandkompositionen mit wechselnder Begleitung nennt - aufnimmt. Im Gespräch mit der Pop-Exzentrikerin verrät Elton John: "Du erinnerst mich ein bisschen an die Hippie-Ära und gleichzeitig an Aretha Franklin. Beim Singen scheinst du in eine andere Welt einzutauchen, du wirkst völlig selbstverloren, fast wie in Trance. Es gibt nur wenige, die dazu in der Lage sind: Nina Simone konnte es, Aretha kann es - und du. Du gehörst zu den Sängerinnen, die ganz in ihren Songs sind." Woraufhin Florence verrät: "Es klappt nicht immer, aber wenn es einen überkommt, dann denkt man sich: Ja das ist es! Das ist der Grund, warum ich es tue!"
Auf die Frage hin, was sie zu der Florence gemacht hat, die sie heute ist, antwortet die Londonerin: "Seltsamerweise vor allem Männer. Die Stones, The Clash … Die Bands der Südlondoner Punkszene, die vom Blues geprägt waren. Als ich mit 16 an die Kunsthochschule kam, sind wir auf Raves und Partys gegangen und haben Pirate Punk gehört, die Talking Heads, Joy Division."
Heute wolle sie vor allem ihre Lieder singen und Musik machen, wie Florence verrät. "Hauptsache ich kann singen", so ihr Resümee. Und dass ihr neues Album statt wie geplant im September, nun doch erst im Januar erscheinen wird? Es sei ihr verziehen. Das gewisse Etwas kann man schließlich nicht aus dem Ärmel schütteln.
Florence Welch is one of those women who seem to be as eccentric cut on the body: red mane, excessive stage shows, flamboyant style - always impressed with the pop diva on special, but authentic and sympathetic manner. With their songs, which they of their lives, their friends and loved ones, tells the 24-year-old writes hard rock history - 2009 her debut album 'Lungs' in Britain has been certified platinum. And even Sir Elton John thinks that Florence Welch is one of those women who have "charisma and really communicate with their audience" on stage - just a woman who has that certain "something" was his verdict.
VOGUE for the two musicians met at London's Abbey Road studios where the 24-year-old just the second album of "Florence + The Machine" - picks up - as she calls her band compositions with varying accompaniment. In an interview with the pop eccentric tells Elton John:.. "You remind me a bit of the hippie era, and simultaneously to Aretha Franklin In singing, you seem in a different world to dive, you cast yourself completely lost, almost in a trance, it is only a few who are capable of: Nina Simone could, Aretha can it - you and Beac're one of the singers who are all in their songs. " Whereupon Florence said: "It does not always work, but when it comes over, then you think: Yes it is This is the reason why I do it!"
When asked what she has done to Florence, it is today, answers the Londoner: "Oddly enough, especially men, the Stones, The Clash ... The bands in the south London punk scene, which were influenced by the blues when I with 16.. came to art school, we went to parties and raves and have heard Pirate Punk, Talking Heads, Joy Division. "
Today she wanted to sing in front of all her songs and make music, as Florence says. "The main thing I can sing," said her résumé. And that her new album instead of as planned in September, but now appear only in January is? It was forgiven her. That certain something you can not finally shake off the cuff.
14 - Florence And The Machine, ‘Drumming Song’ (Boy 8-Bit Remix) [2009] Still criminally underrated, Boy 8-Bit remains a niche remixer, but this slow-build rework of the top Florence track is astonishingly good. Listen to it here
Photo: PA
4 - Florence & The Machine, ‘You’ve Got The Love’ (The xx Remix) [2007] One of the more thoughtful yet powerful mixes in our list. The xx break it down to the bare bones. Download it here
Photo: PA
From the moment her debut album came out in 2009, Welch, the flame-haired frontwoman of the British pop band Florence and the Machine, bewitched the fashion world. Soaring vocals aside, the statuesque performer cut a striking figure in her dramatic, boho-chic frocks, and it wasn’t long before designers were fighting to dress her in their own. “I was captivated by her eccentric style and her willingness to dare,” says Giannini, Gucci’s creative director, who designed Welch’s costumes for her current tour—and also took inspiration from her for the label’s fall 2011 collection. “She embodies the cinematic allure and seductive power that is its essence.”
By Karin Nelson
Photographs by Max Vadukul
July 2011
Welch Wears Gucci’s silk chiffon gown, belt, and shoes. Giannini wears her own Gucci clothes. Welch’s hair by Ben Jones using Bumble and Bumble and makeup by Thomas De Kluyver at D+V Management; Giannini’s hair by Antonio Zinni and makeup by Luciano Squeo. Photographed at Snap Studios, London.
Read More http://www.wmagazine.com/fashion/2011/07/designer-musician-muses-ss#ixzz1Sa218G5Q
FLORENCE Welch plans on recording her second album wearing spooky shaman robes.
Florence Welch is so obsessed with the occult she wants her bandmates to dress in spiritual cloaks to help conjure up some black musical magic.
Flo, 24, revealed: “It would be fun to get shamans’ robes for everyone while we’re recording.
“So everyone – the whole band – gets dressed for work, puts on their big robe, and comes down to the studio.”
The London lass recorded a large portion of her 2009 award-winning debut Lungs playing with a fancy dress hamper in the studio.
And she remains a keen follower of Gothic hocus pocus.
The flame-haired star explained: “I love seances, witchcraft, heaven and hell, voodoo, gospel, possession, demons, exorcism and all that stuff.
“I’m not a religious person. Sex, violence, love, death, all the topics that I’m constantly wrestling with, it’s all connected back to religion.”
Despite offers of celebrity collaborations, Florence is currently writing new music in the US and UK with old pal Isabelle “Machine” Summers.
Flo gushed: “I think it’s important to work with people you know who know my process.
“I find I get a bit nuts if I do it all by myself, I need somebody to bounce off.
“I’m going to do the writing then we’ll record it as a band.”
And sonically there will be little deviation as Florence still has unfinished business in the studio.
She promised: “I feel like we kind of hit on an idea for the first album, but we didn’t make a 24-song recording.
“So we need to finish it up and solve that idea, whatever that is.
“You’re constantly looking for a resolution but that never comes.
“That’s why you keep making music: You’re looking for an answer but you never get it so you keep making it up.”
For over a century, Liberty Art Fabrics has forged a reputation for innovation and imagination, choosing to collaborate with visionary designers and artists. The results are designs that are fresh, original and always inspiring, and the Autumn Winter Collection for 2011 – Liberty Rocks – is no exception.
Art and popular music are entwined as Liberty worked with musicians who have links to the art world and artists with links to the music world. They were invited to contribute to a rich and varied collection in a range of different fabrics, from Tana Lawns to exquisite Crepe de Chines. The Liberty Design Team have created a dynamic collection of new print designs, while also re-invigorating their classic designs from the archive.
The collection is divided into seven different design groups with five colour stories, each highlighting a different aspect of music. From colourful fabrics inspired by early rock’n’roll, to a selection of archive prints specially chosen by critically acclaimed singer Florence Welch, Liberty Rocks encapsulates the creativity and energy that has defined pop and rock over the last 50 years.
Design: Musicians
After leaving Camberwell College of Art, Florence devoted herself to music. Since then she has achieved remarkable success thanks to her exquisite voice and beautifully written songs. She visited the Liberty archive where she chose two designs – Grace, a 19th century vintage hand-drawn lace design and Dancing Ladies, a style popular within Liberty print in the 1920s and reminiscent of an Indian miniature.